Friday, November 7, 2008

kena pedajal dgn yah

disclaimer note: report xsiap lg. aku merayap blog org. sebok ke sana ke sini melawat blog cm YB je rasanya. report xsiap lg. aku lupa ke? x pon.. tapi aku malas. hahahaha.. nt aku hangkot la balik umah ye, bos????

Starting time : 2.15pm

Name : Noor A'kashah binti Abdul Halim (glamerkan nama sendiri nih)

Sister(s) : 2~younger

Brother(s) : 2~ younger (aku anak sulung daaa...)

Shoe size : 7, 8, 9, 10. depends on pattern/brands. (kaki aku besar maaa)

Height : 165 cm (aku lg tinggi dari yah. hoorraaayyy)

Where do you live : Ampang.. 4ever & ever

Have you ever been on a plane : Yes. xde perasaan gak. sama cm yah. sbb aku tgh sebok hafal baca buku panduan mengerjakan umrah. sampai xtdo langsong dlm plane. OTW balik, cecah je bontot kt seat, dh terbongkang. hahahaha... bangun masa makan je. huhuhu..

Swam in the ocean : Maaf, saya xreti berenang. rasa cm akan lemas je. masa p pangkor, snorkelling for 2 mins only. takot lemas. hahahha. tah hapa2 je.

Fallen asleep at school : Selalu je. paling best tdo dlm lab. sbb aku benci sains. SO, sains adalah masa tidurku. zzzzz....

Broken someone’s heart : Selalu. sori ek sapa2 yg patah hati dgn aku. ye ke? ke aku je yg pasan aku patahkan ati diorg nih? hahahhaa...

Fell off your chair : Time skolah rendah sbb suka jongket2 kusi. ade malaun tolak aku sampai jatoh. cilakak. merah muka aku!

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : Xde. skang ni henpon aku in silent mode. mls nk lyn call. sukati ko la nk call pukol bape pon. kalo aku dh lelap, mmg dh lelap la...

Saved e-mails : saved yg berkaitan dgn keje je. lain xde. forward ikot mood. kdg2 xbace pon, terus delete. hahahaha...

What is your room like : Cam tongkang pecah. kalo de tikus cicak mati mst aku xjumpa. byk sgt dokumen dlm bilik. pastu mls nk kemas. aku bz.. tdo. hehehhee..

What’s right beside you: Bantal besar sebijik, bantal biasa 2 bijik, bantal peluk 1, selimut 2, henset, duit bawah bantal. hahahaha...

What is the last thing you ate : kueh raya. aku mls nk kuar lunch arini..

Ever had…Chicken pox : yup.. time 5 taun. kena mandi air durian belanda. rasa cm apa je sbb 1 bdn penuh daun. ceh!

Sore throat : Jarang..

Stitches : xdak..

Broken nose : xpenah broken walaupon penah kena tumbuk masa darjah 6. just bedarah je. cilakak betol tumbuk idong aku!

Do you believe in love at first sight : xtau la. lom experience lg...

Like picnics : tgk mood..

Who was/were…The last person you danced with : saya = kayu. xreti menari.

Last made you smile : flashback zaman blaja dgn shaz..

You last yelled at : kak ct. not yell actually. just ter raise voice. hangen hangen..

Today did you…Talk to someone you like : of coursela.. buat ape cakap ngan org kite x suke? (amik jawapan yah)

Kissed anyone : cium tangan nenek aku je pg td sbb salam nk p keje.

Get sick : Apakah? (jawapan yah gak)

Talk to an ex : No. enemy ok! xkan nk ckp lak, kan???

Miss someone : nope...

Who do you really hate: xtau r..ramai sgt aku hate. yg really tu xtau la yg mana 1. hehehehe... ade 1, org bertuah itu adalah mak mertua shaz. hahahaha...

Do you like your hand-writing : yes..sbb tulisan aku lawa. hahahaha...

Are your toe nails painted : nope

Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : No one. aku xleh tido kt katil org. kompom xleh tdo...

What color shirt are you wearing now : coklat

Are you a friendly person : ikot mood..

Do you have any pets : maaf. saya kurang keperibinatangan ni...

Do you sleep with the TV on: never. sbb aku tdo awl dari adik2 sedara aku. kalo nenek aku, mmg dia tdo dpn tb. hehehhee...

What are you doing right now : konon2 nk siapkan report.

Can you handle the truth : depends on what kind of truth la.. selalunya, aku wat muka bodo je. better aku diam dari maki org, right??

Are you closer to your mother or father : both x.

Do you eat healthy : tidak. belasah je sumenye..hehehehehe..

Do you still have pictures of you & your ex : xpenah ade ex.hahahaha.. i suci, nyah!

If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to : nobody can calm me. but shopping can. hehehehe.. tgh hangen, patot membeli sepasang kasot @ seutas henbag. =p

Are you loud or quiet most of the time : tengah-tengah. hehe (jawapan yah gak)

Are you confident : .selalunya.. hehehhe.. hipokrit..

5 things I was doing 10 years ago
- amik PMR, SPM, MUET, matrik, masok uni
- kena buang asrama, tulis surat rayuan pastu selamba je sain sendiri. hahahaha
- blaja akaun cm nk gila..
- abiskan idop kt kolej dgn mengglemerkan diri sana sini. hehehehe..
- keje kt odit firm. like hell, babes!!!

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
- g haji. bwk sume suku sakat aku, org2 kampong, sume r..
-Give.. To whoever in need
-Shopping 24/7. haha
-Nak masuk lampung-kampung carik anak-anak yang nak belajar tp xmampu and support them.
-Buat yayasan pelajaran. Give scholar.

5 of my bad habits
- keras kepala
- degil, xdgr cakap org. aku je yg btol. diktator nih! hahaha.
- suka ikot mood. kalo mood xdtg, kompom aku melengkor je sepanjang ari..
- Suka tangguh kerja. contoh: skang ni la. keje ade. tp aku dok siapkan tag ni. ape kes? hehehhee
- kuat merajuk, pemendam
- suka makan asam. sbb tu aku cpt lupa. hwaaaa...

5 places I’ve lived/living
- ampang
- kajang - skolah
- kuala pilah- matriks
- Serdang- degree
- ampang. hehehehehe...

finishing time: 2.50 pm

penat aku menjawab. hahahaha.. skang aku nk tag:
  1. yan - vtecgurl
  2. yam
  3. emi
  4. kamitaken. kalo ko baca blog aku ni laa.. hehehe..
  5. sape2 nk wat, wat la. hehehehe..

2 comments: said...

adakah ko takder keje selama 25 minit??
apsal ko tak tag syaz??
tak aci tok...
walau aper pun aku akan membontoti ko untuk makan gaji buta selama 30 minit untuk buat benda alah nih..
nantikan kemunculan kat blog aku eh..

vtec said...

ko tag aku ke, aku xperasan pun aku ditag